20 Less-known attractions in Sri Lanka - 40 slides
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Find a list of 270 Sri Lanka travel destinations & attractions: CLICK HERE Our illustrated list of places of interest is sorted by travel regions, more precisely: by 22 most recommendable places for overnight stays. All 270 sights are within day-trip distance from one of those 22 major locations. (Please understand: Loading 270 images requires more seconds than usual.) |
Lanka Excursions Holidays
Registration Number SLTDA/SQA/TA/02179
255/24, "Green Park" Dawatagahawatta, Thimbirigaskatuwa, Mahahunupitiya East, Negombo, Sri Lanka
Office: +94 31 223 991 Hotline: +94 71 6097795 [email protected] Lanka Excursions Holidays office hours 8.00 to 6.00 p.m. daily (except from June Fullmoon Day)